Thai UK
year we are experienceyear we are experience Massage is a health care process that uses the principle of touch. A hygienic massage will improve blood circulation. It helps relax tense muscles, treat body aches and pains, relieve stress, sprains, and promote health, invigoration, and relaxation of the mind.
Thai acupressure massage
Massage to treat specific aches and pains or joints, and relieve body fascia.
Oil massage to relax muscles
Body massage using pure natural oils with natural fragrances helps to refresh and relieve stress with a specific fragrance used to treat symptoms such as insomnia, stress, and depression. In addition, pure oil helps nourish the skin and tightens the body to prevent sagging muscles. It helps break down fat from accumulating in various parts of the body. The heat from the oil from the massage will penetrate deep into the skin and muscles, helping you feel light.
Foot massage/foot massage
Foot massage is a way to balance the body. Since there are reflex points of internal organs on the soles and feet, massaging the soles and feet helps improve blood circulation to various organs in the body, resulting in the excretion of waste from cells, balancing the body and improving overall health.
We opening 7 days
Time 10.00Am to 21.00pm last appointment 20..00pm
Relaxing thai massage
1 hour £40
Half hours £30
1 hour half,£70
2 hour£80
Sports massage
1 hour £45
Half hour £35
1 hour half £80
2 hour£85
No extra service
Customer can pay card and cash.