All About Massage


Fascia is a connective tissue that surrounds muscles, bones, and organs in the body. Massage techniques that target fascia can help relieve pain, stress, bad emotions save in the body and improve flexibility. It supports well “chakras systems” in the body, by improving better energy flow through central points of the main 7 chakras in human system. Minimum 1.5h massage is required to start moving energy in the body.

Fascia is a connective tissue that surrounds muscles, bones, and organs in the body. Massage techniques that target fascia can help relieve pain, stress, bad emotions save in the body and improve flexibility. It supports well “chakras systems” in the body, by improving better energy flow through central points of the main 7 chakras in human system. Minimum 1.5h massage is required to start moving energy in the body.




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