I am an Advanced Level 4 Professional Personal Trainer in Exercise Science, Lower Back Pain Management, Anatomy, Physiology and Nutrition.
I have practiced several martial arts, rock climbing and training disciplines over a period of 15 years and being an Advanced Personal Trainer Level 4 for over 10 years,
I will focus on cementing the importance of the fundamental movements required within your training regime and show you how consistent practice can lead to monumental results.
Train to become stronger spiritually, mentally and physically and learn to express yourself in:
I will include meal plans and will write out personalized regiments for you to follow.
I teach and coach my clients to apply and express themselves by teaching the core mechanics required in martial arts, boxing with effective application.
I use kettle bells/ Dumbbells/ Barbells/ Body-weight/ various additional weighted equipment, resistance bands and apparatus to ensure that my clients are proficient in all areas.
My vast experience as a trainer over the years has made me understand the best principles for clients, ensuring they all can vastly improve in all health related attributes of life.
Best in:
Martial Arts/ Boxing Training
Rock Climbing/ Mountaineering
Endurance and Power Training
Functional Strength and Conditioning
Weight Management
Boxing and Combat Training
Kettle Bell Training
Muscle and Power Gain
Athletic Training
Callisthenics/ Bodyweight Training
Core/ Abdominal Strengthening and Definition
Resistance Band/ TRX Training
High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)
Sport Specific Training
Sport Massage, Rehabilitation and Therapy
& Lower Back Pain Management
Active IQ REPS Level 4 Personal Trainer
Qualified Physical Education Teacher QTS
Bsc(Hons) Sports Science
Certified in Anatomy, Physiology and Nutrition
First Aid
Qualified in Martial Arts, Circuit Training and ABA BOXING
Free Consultation and Trial Sessions available at Request.
Can also put you in touch with clients previous experienced clients.
I am willing to commute all over London and carry my own equipment to meet your needs.
I have access to my a few different venues we can train in where I already have all my tools and equipment set up. I can also train you at a local gym if you feel comfortable there.
Whether you want feel comfortable training at your home, a local park or a gym, I can always ensure maximum progress is achieved in minimal time, and results are always guaranteed, or your money back.
Thank You for Reading.
If you are truly motivated to become stronger mentally, physically and spiritually, allow me to guide you on your quest.
Please check instagram profile for short clips on some of the kind of training I carry out: @apefoo, @apefootraining,
www apefoo co uk