Hi, I’m Miriam, a trauma-informed coach with two years of experience working directly with individuals navigating complex emotional landscapes. This includes one year of supervised clinical work and one year supporting children with special needs.
While I love working 1:1 with my clients, I’ve noticed that the deep work we do together can be greatly enhanced by a support system, in which they can practice all the relational skills they learn from me and start the real re-parenting process, by engaging in something Pete Walker calls, “re-parenting by community”. Unfortunately, one of the side effects of trauma is that the very thing that would help my clients the most, is what’s inaccessible to them. Trauma isolates and makes people scarred of yet another disappointment that may happen in a social context.
For this reason, I decided to combined individual and group coaching, to enlist all the resources necessary for you to flourish.
Here’s some of the most common struggles my clients encounter:
* The aftermath of growing in an abusive household
* Experiencing bullying or other forms of interpersonal cruelty
* Repeatedly attracting or being targeted by toxic relationships
* Feeling disconnected or unhappy in relationships, without fully understanding why
* Battling perfectionism and the drive for constant achievement to avoid toxic shame
* Struggling with limerence (romantic obsession) or maladaptive daydreaming
* Managing the symptoms of C-PTSD, anxiety, or depression
* Feeling like an “underdog,” unable to reach your true potential
* Social isolation
If you are feeling alone on your journey, combining group support with individual sessions and psychoeducation (this plays a big part in the group sessions) is one of the fastest ways to regulate your nervous system and accustom yourself to what a warm and accepting environment looks like.
I understand joining a group can feel intimidating, especially if you’ve experienced social hurt in the past. My groups are carefully curated, and designed to be safe and judgment. However, if you aren’t ready for group work yet, individual work only is also available.
Session Details:
Individual sessions: $75 for 60 minutes
Group sessions: $50 for 60 minutes
For best results, I recommend combining 2 individual sessions with 2 group sessions per month. This approach balances personal attention with practice in a supportive group.
Next Steps:
You can contact me with any questions or concerns. I also offer a free, no-obligation 30-minute introductory session to help you explore how I can support you.