Hello there! My name is Dee from DLM Hypnotherapy and I’m currently a student with the prestigious CPHT practise, studying Solution Focused Hypnotherapy. I am a Student Member of the NCH (National Council for Hypnotherapy) and am also insured with Holistic Insurance Services.
I am based just outside of Edinburgh but am currently working online via Whatsapp. I am midway through my course and have been having great success with my current clients, therefore I am seeking new clients to support me on my journey!
At the moment, all sessions are completely free as I’m looking to gain experience. I am seeking clients that suffer from Anxiety & Depression at the moment, but if you are looking for help with IBS, Phobias, Smoking Cessation, Confidence and Stress, then please get in touch too as I will be seeking those clients in the near future. All I need from you is commitment to one session a week, for roughly one hour, for 8 – 12 weeks. Most clients begin seeing a difference within a few weeks, which is wonderful!
Hypnotherapy requires trust, commitment and reliability. It is an amazing tool to help you regain control of your life, though like any modality, results may vary and success is not guaranteed. Please get in touch if you are interested in becoming a client and we can arrange an Initial Consultation. Thank you, all the best! Dee x