I offer an oil massage (coconut or almond oil) in a warm room with an electric blanket underneath the towel to keep the massage couch warm too! One of my thumbs is a bit dodgy from doing too many massages so whilst I can work on knots, if you want pure sports massage, its a bit difficult. I combine an element of Swedish and Sports massage within my style which should leave you relaxed and satisfied without being too beaten up at the end!
Gumtree won’t let me publish a picture of myself as it apparently breaches their conditions. I’m frequently asked ‘what do you look like’? My number is published here. Feel free to call or whatsapp and indeed there will be an image of me on whatsapp.
I’m based near Berkhamsted, Herts. I charge £65 for an hour of my time. I take a small deposit if we have never met before to confirm the booking.
Everyone is welcome irrespective of gender, religion, sexuality, nationality or politics. Any questions, just drop me a whatsapp.