All About Massage


Chinese massage in Stratford-Upon-Avon, 6 The Minories shopping mall, 2 minutes from Shakespeare birth place. We offer:

Relaxing, deep tissue and hot stone massage, included full body massage, head massage, reflexology, ear candle.

60 minutes £50

45 minutes £40

30 minutes £30

Deep tissue

60 minutes £60

45 minutes £45

Hot stone massage

60 minutes £60

30 minutes £30

Ear candle £30

We are opening 9:30am – 8pm 7 days/ week.

Massage is an effective and enjoyable way to relieve the stress and tension of our lives., it can promotes circulation throughout the entire body, eliminate the toxin and helping to prevent further problems. Schedule your appointment to experience the benefits of expert massage therapy. Your well-being is my top priority.





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