All About Massage


Apparently my friends say I’m good at what I do, but I will let you be the judge of that. I have always been the go to person when it comes to relationship advice and I have done my own extensive research for the past 20 years!… Offering a free initial 15 minute call to establish your current requirements in regards to your relationship issues.

Anything relationship related whether that be a current situation and you need clarity, If you just need me to listen and not give advice, Strategy if you are struggling with dating. If you are having issues within your current dating life.

How to level up if you are not meeting the right person. Whatever the issue I am confident I can assist. The only thing I can’t really discuss is marriage because it is not something that I have experienced, but if it’s issues within the marriage like communication, trust, cheating etc I can help. The dating world at present is very questionable and I see people finding it difficult to find what they are looking for. I aim to give clarity, understanding and strategy if that is what you require.

As mentioned the first 15mins is free with no obligation to proceed.

If you decide to proceed after that I charge £30 per hour……

I look forward to hearing from you….





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