Do not email. Call only. Thank you
Technical issues have meant I’ve been unable to access my ad in recent weeks. Sincere apologies. DO Keep hold of my number in case this happens again which is highly likely!!
.I promote positive mental and physical well being A healthy body, healthy mind go hand in hand. And we all need to be in tip top form to function effectively especially at this time of year.
I am different to most on here. I am exceptionally qualified and experienced to start with. This can
only benefit you, your mind and body. .
This is no bog standard service. It is delivered by a certified professional during respectable hours by appointment. I welcome enquiries from courteous males.
I am also a qualified psychotherapist offering therapy sessions one hour in duration. Ideal for addressing the issues you may face during these challenging times.
Please note. I don’t always advertise so keep my name and number.
** Please. I CANNOT text. The facility is deliberately disabled. They are therefore deleted unread. Calls only.
Exceptional Massage. Qualified Psychotherapy Provider. Qualified.. Articulate professional. Extensive experience. You are in very good hands when in my
Qualified talking therapy for those with dilemmas that you feel need further investigation. Dont be shy. The call is the hardest bit. See this as an ongoing process for best results.
Please be reassured. I come with a significant level of experience and expertise! Call to discuss please.
CALL to request slot. Only call if you are serious about booking due to time constraints. Say which service you want
Withelds not answered.
ARRIVE ON TIME. Late arrivals impact others.
NO SHOWS. NO further slots offered.
NON FOLLOW THROUGH. Those that engage in chat in lead up to booking that dont follow through. At busy times i turn people away therefore i cant do this. No further slots offered.
POSTCODE given one hour before slot.
** A deposit via bank transfer prior to slot guarantees your appointment.***
Stress levels are exceptionally high for many. My treatments are effective for both the body and the mind. Drift away or savour every moment here in a dedicated studio room.
All Western Massage treatments undertaken. Qualified talking therapy sessions offered too.
As a skilled professional I assess you first then treat accordingly.
I really do look after you!
Please call don’t text me for information or a slot. Sometimes i struggle to offer you a slot so please dont take one unless you are going to attend.
If I don’t answer immediately bear with me .
Advance notice during busy times help.
Texts are ignored*********** so are emails due to misuse.
I look forward to hearing from you.