Natural Relax offers professional Massages, our massage takes you to the utmost level of pure relaxation that you have never experienced before. Our massage includes Healing therapy, renewing the body’s energy level, it concludes with relaxation techniques to ensure your peaceful state of mind continues long after the massage is over.
Our shop is conveniently situated across the street of the Brookwood Train Station. Also we have two comfortable massage therapy rooms with shower facility, there are two chinese masseuses carefully selected for our shop in Woking Brookwood.
We would love to bring the authentic far Asia’s best massage treatment to you all ! So please, CALL NOW to book an appointment !
(Please do not ask for sexual services, Natural Relax provides only a strictly professional massage services)
Opening and Closing time-
Monday to Sunday- 9AM – 9PM
Landline: 01483379250
Mobile: 07935916018
30 Mins – £30
45 Mins- £40
60 Mins -£45
90 Mins – £75
120 Mins- £90
4, Orchard House, Connaught Road, Brookwood Woking, GU24 0AT
Ad ID: 1265917086