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Reflexology treats ‘the whole person’ and not just any current symptoms you may be experiencing. Many people report an enhanced sense of overall well-being as well as an improvement in their condition. After having completed a session of reflexology treatments for a specific condition, many people find it beneficial to continue with regular treatments in order to maintain health and well-being.
Many people put up with long term conditions that are not resolved through conventional medical routes. Reflexology encourages the body’s own healing processes, physically, mentally and emotionally.
Experience has shown reflexology may be helpful to people suffering from a wide range of issues including the following:

Physical Benefits

  • Anxiety and stress disorders
  • Problems associated with the reproductive system (menstrual problems, such as PMS, painful, scanty, heavy or irregular periods, endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome and menopause can all be treated)
  • Problems with conception, male and female infertility, and loss of libido
  • Joint pain and joint mobilit
  • Breathing disorders (all respiratory problems, including asthma, chest infections, cough infections, coughs and colds, ear, nose and throat problems can be ease with reflexology)
  • Sleep problems and insomnia
  • Problems with digestion and elimination (constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, food allergies and flatulence)
  • Blood sugar disorders
  • Skin disorders (acne, eczema, psoriasis and rashes)
  • Degenerative disorders(i.e. symptoms of MS and Parkinson’s disease)
  • Sinus disorders
  • Ear disorders
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Circulatory problems
  • Irregular blood pressure
  • Toxin build up
  • Low immunity

Mental Benefits

  • Restores mental illness
  • Improves focus and concentration
  • Enhances and stimulates creativity and productivity
  • Calms an overactive mind
  • Boosts confidence
  • Reduces or eliminates the need for drugs, tobacco and alcohol

Emotional Benefits

  • Reduces emotional turmoil
  • Releases the memory of past hurts
  • Calms anger, frustration and impatience Induces courage and strength helping to cope with difficult situations and problems
  • Lifts depression
  • Increases positive emotions such as happiness, joy, enthusiasm for life
  •  Assists in resolving emotional conflicts
  •  Relieves stress, induces a deep sense of relaxation
Reflexology is not a therapy to diagnose disease. It is not a medical treatment. The therapy works with the holistic principle that the body functions in a natural way. Imbalances within the body are thought to lead to ailments and physical problems. A reflexologist will look to restore the body’s natural rhythm and thus restore its ability to heal.

Call now and book an appointment, thank you!

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